We're aware of the current shortages of dental professionals in many parts of New Zealand and the difficulties you face as employers,
trying to find suitable locum and permanent dentists, hygienists and dental auxiliaries.
We're aware of the current shortages of dental professionals in many parts of New Zealand and the difficulties you face as employers,
trying to find suitable locum and permanent dentists, hygienists and dental auxiliaries.
If you are interested in pursuing this opportunity and would consider employing one of our dental professionals, please contact us using the form below, with no obligation. We will work closely with you to understand your requirements, your business and the role of your newly hired dental professional.
You will need to provide a detailed job brief so we understand the position, and specifics for the candidate and your practice culture.
All listings are FREE of charge. Our very reasonable fees apply for successful job placements. See our fee schedule.
If you are considering hiring an overseas dentist, hygienist or oral health therapist then you need to be aware of the new temporary work visa that was introduced on 4 July 2022.
LANZ.Dental are not immigration advisers and do not give immigration advice.